Change Proposal Request (CPR) Overview
The purpose of the Change Proposal Request (CPR) feature is to track and document a request for change from inception to acceptance or rejection by the customer. Each CPR includes the work scope description, a list of impacted vendors, and the financial and schedule details.
Although CPRs can be created for all contract types, they are usually entered for Fixed Lump Sum or Unit Price contracts. Changes to Cost Plus contracts are generally documented directly in the Change Order (CO) feature and do not require the CPR process.
To request and collect pricing from impacted vendors, an email can be sent directly from Sage Construction Management that includes a link to the TeamLink Portal with a corresponding password. This allows vendors to document their pricing and schedule impact online; thus, eliminating the need for a project administrator having to enter this information manually.
Learn more about client change management.
Important Things To Know
- Budgets in the Financial Dashboards will not be impacted until the CPR has been converted to a CO and marked Approved with a Status Date.
- Collecting Pricing from Impacted Vendors: Vendors can submit pricing in the TeamLink Portal only if the CPR is marked 'Pending' or 'Pending Submission'. Otherwise, their cost line items will be read-only.
- CPR Status: Status options occur in the following sequence: (1) Draft | (2) Pending Submission | (3) Pending | (4) Not Approved or Approved.
- Approval Process: After the CPR has been reviewed by the Customer, be sure to update the CPR Status and Status Date fields.
- Budget Tracking: Financial Dashboards in Project Analytics do not include CPRs whether marked approved or pending. Only when CPRs are copied to a CO and marked Approved with a Status Date will budget revisions be reflected.
- Procurement Process: In order to use the 'CPR to Procurement Wizard', sub and supplier cost line items must be documented in the CPR's Impacted Vendor Details form and then imported into the Proposed Item list.
- Emailing: A CPR can be emailed by clicking the Details Report option at the top and choosing 'Email Doc' or 'Email PDF' option in the popup form. The CPR will then be an attachment in the email which can be printed by the recipient (eg. customer) and later returned signed.
Steps To Complete Before Entering CPRs
- Review Initiated By Options in Settings | Feature Settings | Contract Admin.
- Ensure the Owner/Customer that will be reviewing the CO is listed in the Project Directory.
- Prime Contract has been created and is marked Approved with an Status Date.
- Job Cost Codes must be established since this is a required reference on the CPR's Proposed Items.
- Optional: Tax Codes can be referenced on CPR's Proposed Items.
- Optional: Adding Default CPR/CO Markups
CPR Add Options
- Adding Manually
- Estimate to CPR and CO Wizard
- WO To CPR and CO Wizard
- Entering Negative Amounts On Line Items (aka Credits)
CPR Edit Options
If a Workflow Rule applies to the CPR and the Rule has been initiated or approved already then nothing can be modified unless the Rule is abandoned.
Edit Functions:
- Edit CPR Header Information
- Import or Review Impacted Vendors
- Add, Edit, or Import CPR Proposed Items
- Edit CPR Tax Total
- Edit CPR Labor and Equipment Hour Budget Revisions
- Lock or Unlock CPRs